Thursday, May 13, 2021

When To Be Flexible And When To Hold Ground

By Kali Hawa

Once again under Semal tree I closed my eyes, got in ‘padmasan’ posture and started meditation thinking is it one off thing or this Semal tree is really charmed! In any case one swallow does not make summer neither does, I guess, two. It occurred to me that sometimes I am brusque which, even though unintended, offends people around me.

I am not a foodie, I do not savor food nevertheless I enjoy food. I am a frugal eater, it was not always so. I made some sacrifice to get here. Initially I had to suppress urge to eat and withstand starvation, the reason for doing it was to remain fit but more than that I hated bulge in my tummy. Gradually it became habit and then normal routine. I gave up lunch and now I am satisfied with two light meals a day this does not make me feel weak or deprived through the day. Coming to the point; when I eat, which is one less than most people, I go into a trance. Food appears to me as celebration of life therefore those are nirvana moments;, during meal I do not want any distraction if there is something I need I will sleep walk to get it therefore If someone asks me, ‘Do I need anything’, I usually become brusque because the distraction breaks my trance and this offends the person who is trying to be nice to me. I know this and I am aware of it and yet I am unwilling to be flexible on this account. This is something about my lifestyle which cannot be compromised.   

There are other times when I am brusque and rude but those moments are NOT part of essential lifestyle therefore regrettable. One should be flexible most of the time, owning up flaws in one’s character whereas rigid and when it comes to core character.


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